Adam's office had a free lunch today. Everyone was allowed to invite their spouses. It's a weird feeling, being among all of those grumpy career phone men. Most of them are divorced from their second, or third, wives and were flying solo at the restaurant. There's one newer couple, around mine and Adam's age, that got married two years ago. It was the first time I'd met his wife. She's very much what I thought Jarod would marry. Did that sound catty? It wasn't. I just knew that someone who was concerned about his appearance as Jarod is would want someone very put together as well. (In case you didn't know, Adam and I are well-suited. I can clean up well, but I generally prefer to lounge around in sleepy pajamas and an over-sized t-shirt.)

The other two couples were men on their second wives, one of which is married to my husband's mother. That's right, Adam works with his stepfather every day. I'm very proud of the way that they are capable of keeping work life and family life separate. It does mean that while I'm suffering through an awkward office lunch I also get to visit with my mother-in-law. Bonus, right? It's a good thing I find Reba so funny.

There was a general announcement made after Thanksgiving about the baby. Everyone seems very excited. Honestly, they seem more excited than I think that I portray. It isn't to say that the joy isn't there, because it certainly is, but I'm far more cautious going in to this pregnancy and this leg of motherhood than I was when I became pregnant with Mazzy.

I'm concerned that this will continue to be a trend as we get further along in the pregnancy, where I'm quietly wishing that no one would look at me, or talk about it. I got so caught up in the initial excitement, the knowing that we did it without drugs or extra help, that I didn't think through the frustration I'd feel to have everyone involved.

Tomorrow I see the doctor for the first time since I got the blood work confirming that I was pregnant and that the numbers were increasing correctly. She will set out the game plan for the next few months and I'm hoping it's good news. There was a lot of scary talk before I got pregnant about how this would go and I'm hoping that after she sees me and evaluates how my body is reacting, she'll chill out a little. The prospect of going once a week to the doctor is not a pleasant one for me. Especially if there's nothing to be worried about.

We'll see.


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