Mirage or reality?

Okay, so I was freaking out and worrying that things would never get better (who, me?) yesterday but there was progress! Now, I'm not entirely sure since it was so out of the norm and, honestly, I never know what's real when I'm half asleep, but I'm fairly certain that Nora slept several hours without eating last night. I think she slept from eleven until four this morning. I know that I woke up at one and at three and I tried to feed her (she was snuffing and crying in her sleep, but apparently it was just nightmares?) and she didn't want to eat.We shifted positions and she cuddled a bit and stayed asleep.

I'm hours in to my new day and I'm still confused. Did that really happen? Should I allow myself to see this as a new trend (and therefore tackle the daunting task of getting her to sleep on her own) or was it a fluke and I'll be paying for it tonight?

Ah, new mom drama.


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