Squeezing an entry in
Hermione, the dog, is at the groomer today. Nora and I got dressed and dropped Adam off at work so that we could borrow the car. After we dropped Hermione off we went to the grocery store together to pick up a few things we forgot this weekend. I'm still not used to buying things for Nora, like, nothing that's specifically for her. I usually make meals for her out of ingredients that we'd normally eat, but she has a three PM snack and it's a whole different ball game. I need easy to snack on foods that she can eat herself for the snack. She likes to wander around waving her snack up around rather than sitting in one place to eat. I like to accommodate that side of her. The get up and go that happens after her afternoon nap. Even though I'm usually exhausted by three in the afternoon. Ha.
We're going to stop by Starbucks on the way to pick up the dog and visit with a friend, Jenn. She'll probably be busy, so we won't be there long, but it's nice to have something to look forward to that isn't errand related.
Breaking up the day feels nice, but I'm not very productive. Of course, I'm fighting a toothache and back pain, too. A couple of days ago I pulled my back when getting Nora dressed in the morning. I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking, but it resulted in me grinding my teeth while sleeping because of the stress and now my tooth is inflamed. Awesome. I feel ancient.
Nora is such a handful. I don't feel like I have the time to do anything, really. She's in a particularly clingy phase and every time I leave the room to go do something she has a meltdown. It's mostly about wanting to come with me and be involved, but it's maddening.
I still can't believe that this is my life. I'm the mother of a toddler. It's amazing. I'm feeling like the luckiest person in the world, even though 80% of my day is listening to her cry about something I've told her she can't do.
Nora has recently developed a completely surprising habit of only wanting Mommy. Sure, she still FREAKS OUT with excitement when Daddy gets home, but after the initial newness wears off, she's back to standing at my feet screaming until I can pick her up.
Having a back injury has made life.....pleasant. You bet.
Why surprising? Because it never occurred to me that our kid would choose me as a favorite because I'm home all day. That's usually a sure-fire way to make sure that she hates me and loves anyone that isn't me. Adam is playing it cool, but I can tell it's hurting his feelings. As much as I love her hugs and our playing rituals, I'd like Nora to develop a relationship with Adam that's more to his liking.
I've been getting out of the house on Thursdays. We've mostly been heading to various local bars, but now that it's out of our system, so to speak, we're going to do something else this week. I think we're hitting up the local Goodwill and go makeup shopping. I need Mature Lady makeup. What is Mature Lady makeup? It's what I call stuff I've never used before; base, coverup, highlighter (for those dark eye bits), and specific eyeshadow pencils. And I need new powder.
I've mostly been a bare minimum makeup girl, even going without most of the time, but I have spots that I'd like to reduce the appearance of and since I've been going out, it's time to up my game.
Okay, really, I just want to cover up my mustache. There. I said it. Two kids have darkened some facial pigment in a really unflattering way. I could, in theory, bleach it, but I'm little scared. I'd rather just use makeup to cover it up in certain situations, like when I'm out and I run in to ex-boyfriends (or people that I slept with because I was a giant whore in my 20's). There's nothing sadder than a poorly aging slut.
And, on that note, I'd better wrap this up. I can hear Nora stirring. I need to nurse her and get ready to venture back out of doors.
We're going to stop by Starbucks on the way to pick up the dog and visit with a friend, Jenn. She'll probably be busy, so we won't be there long, but it's nice to have something to look forward to that isn't errand related.
Breaking up the day feels nice, but I'm not very productive. Of course, I'm fighting a toothache and back pain, too. A couple of days ago I pulled my back when getting Nora dressed in the morning. I'm feeling much better, thanks for asking, but it resulted in me grinding my teeth while sleeping because of the stress and now my tooth is inflamed. Awesome. I feel ancient.
Nora is such a handful. I don't feel like I have the time to do anything, really. She's in a particularly clingy phase and every time I leave the room to go do something she has a meltdown. It's mostly about wanting to come with me and be involved, but it's maddening.
I still can't believe that this is my life. I'm the mother of a toddler. It's amazing. I'm feeling like the luckiest person in the world, even though 80% of my day is listening to her cry about something I've told her she can't do.
Nora has recently developed a completely surprising habit of only wanting Mommy. Sure, she still FREAKS OUT with excitement when Daddy gets home, but after the initial newness wears off, she's back to standing at my feet screaming until I can pick her up.
Having a back injury has made life.....pleasant. You bet.
Why surprising? Because it never occurred to me that our kid would choose me as a favorite because I'm home all day. That's usually a sure-fire way to make sure that she hates me and loves anyone that isn't me. Adam is playing it cool, but I can tell it's hurting his feelings. As much as I love her hugs and our playing rituals, I'd like Nora to develop a relationship with Adam that's more to his liking.
I've been getting out of the house on Thursdays. We've mostly been heading to various local bars, but now that it's out of our system, so to speak, we're going to do something else this week. I think we're hitting up the local Goodwill and go makeup shopping. I need Mature Lady makeup. What is Mature Lady makeup? It's what I call stuff I've never used before; base, coverup, highlighter (for those dark eye bits), and specific eyeshadow pencils. And I need new powder.
I've mostly been a bare minimum makeup girl, even going without most of the time, but I have spots that I'd like to reduce the appearance of and since I've been going out, it's time to up my game.
Okay, really, I just want to cover up my mustache. There. I said it. Two kids have darkened some facial pigment in a really unflattering way. I could, in theory, bleach it, but I'm little scared. I'd rather just use makeup to cover it up in certain situations, like when I'm out and I run in to ex-boyfriends (or people that I slept with because I was a giant whore in my 20's). There's nothing sadder than a poorly aging slut.
And, on that note, I'd better wrap this up. I can hear Nora stirring. I need to nurse her and get ready to venture back out of doors.