
I'll do a write up on the Grandparent visit soon, but I wanted to share the Nora cuteness.

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday; it's tied into my love of costumes and the fact that my best memories growing up were from Halloween celebrations. My mom would go all out and we used to team up with the rest of the block for haunted yards and such.

Our night was a far cry from my childhood, but that's a different entry that I'll probably never share. I have strong feelings on the progression of modern socialization.

I, hilariously, spent an awkward hour stabbing myself repeatedly while sewing jingle bells to Nora's skirt. Sitting on the couch fumbling through the unfamiliar process was one of my favorite parts. I felt like a mom. Maybe I'll never be super great at every aspect of the Mom thing, but I'll try and I'll even enjoy it. That's going to count for something.

We ate an early dinner and watched a "spooky" show together and waited for dusk.

Nora was actually very receptive to dressing up and harassing our neighbors. She was too young to understand she was getting candy, but liked the doorbell ringing and attention. We made small talk with the people we passed and she made waving friends with the other toddlers. Super cute.

The poor girl was wiped. We barely got her home before she was sleepily blinking at us. She went to bed early for the first time ever.

It was one of those situations where I was too busy living the moment that I didn't take many pictures. I like when that happens. It made me present and what's better than that?


pom. said…
miss your face, I'm in lala land!

LOVE Nora's picture!! I'm glad you all were into it. Fun. And I LOVE her bells!! Perfect.

Hope to connect soon.
Chessy said…
I miss your face, too. Tons. How was your Halloween? Looking forward to seeing pics of Beebs. :) I hope you're feeling better, soon. I think about you often. And send non-nausea vibes your way. I think they need to ask for directions. Ha!
Abberatia said…
Such a cute costume!! I can't wait until next year!
Chessy said…
Lisa, you'll have a great time next year. :) It sounds like you enjoyed this year, too. :)

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