
Doing a daily blog is hard. I'm not interesting enough, nor do I have enough opinions to support a constant flow of chatter. Not at this time.

Friday marked Adam's last day at work for the next week. It's a little tradition that he takes a week off for Nora's birthday. In theory it's so that we can do family things, but he always ends up sitting on the couch playing video games. And this year money is extra tight, so we aren't planning for much at all. Staycation. Time in the house. Together.

He's gotten to spend some time with Nora, which is lovely to watch. His normal work schedule doesn't offer a whole lot of down time and certainly not a lot during Nora's waking hours. They get, maybe, a half hour at the end of the day where they can catch up and Adam isn't usually at his best. It's to be expected, sure. No one has to like it.

Right now I can hear her laughing, the screech-y, joyous sound, that all kids make when they're getting attention. Dada is a favorite and his antics have been missed.

Ah, that didn't last long. I just heard her say, "I'm going to go check on Mama."

I guess that's my signal to get up and find something to keep us all occupied. I only get a three year old for a couple more days. Might as well enjoy her.


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