Getting through

Mazzy is a proud owner of a tooth. It is her first tooth and she is very protective of it. We were only able to get our hands in there to confirm the exsistence of that tooth and now her mouth is off limits. Secretive little thing, isn't she?

Along with the new tooth she has a new word. "Good." She says it all of the time, but mostly when it comes to food or drinking something. Or a new diaper. Smart kid, right? I think so. It is my job.

I am still struggling with a lot of the same 'stuff' that was bothering me before. I don't shake it. I am in a situation where I can't do much about it right now. At least there is one less person in my house. (Even though Erick is coming by tomorrow to get stuff from the bedroom he was using. Ugh.)

Mazzy keeps me rather occupied. I don't have much time to write, or talk on the phone. At this very moment she is trying desperately to pull herself up on the bathroom door in my bedroom. She has nearly figured it out. I told you she was smart. Her baby hands reach and grasp for everything. Sometimes, when she is using me as a sturdy surface, rather than feeling annoyed, I am peaceful. I love my daughter and she is quite often my reason for breathing.

The house is still full and we are still working out the details. I need more privacy than my sister-in-law and we flare up about it, on occasion. I wish I could just live in my room, sometimes, but the cable is in the living room. Maybe I should give up cable. Ha.

I wonder, sometimes, if all of the mess that is in my head is my head, or post-partum stuff. I wonder if it is just the living situation, or the way I approach life. I need more time to work these sorts of things out.

I haven't lost all of the baby weight. I don't think that I will. Perhaps I am just too lazy. Perhaps trying to ignore my life makes me avoid actual excersize. Whatever works, right?


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