Less filler, more talk

Can I haz bath, plez?
Originally uploaded by WhimOfFate
In an effort to be annoying, I am going to post pictures when I blog. Because I can. I am going to post pictures that have nothing to do with what I am writing about. Because I can.

I am handling the stress better these days. Mazzy is making life so much more fun. I laugh a LOT. And not always at her. She can make me laugh. When we are playing on the floor and she is being so much smarter than I am about stuff, well, it makes me laugh.

Mazzy is getting in to everything. If she can reach it, she will destroy it. It is an endearing quality that I am learning to appreciate.

We still do VH1 in the morning. Mazzy has her music preferences. I am too embarrassed to say that they are, just know that my daughter has a wide variety of musical influences at her young age.

At least I know she likes music.

Mom is without a car and I have been doing my best to keep an eye on her. I am tired. There isn't much more to that. She will be moving in at the end of the month. Joy. I am having a hard time adjusting to the idea, but I am confident that I will learn.

There are a thousand moments in the day that I want to record and share. Pieces of my life that I don't want to forget, but when I sit down to write I am constantly interuppted. Mazzy is my favorite distraction.

I guess that I have cycled out of the really overwhelming darkness I was experiencing. I am lighter, more relaxed, so I am taking advantage of that time by putting my more positive energy in to my daughter. She seems to enjoy it.

My brother-in-law and his wife are not going to make it. Watching their marriage fall apart has made me evaluate what I think a successful relationship is. How do I define 'success?' How does Adam define it? Do these two things line up in a complimentary way? We are constantly working on maintaining what we have together.

I feel very small these days. My life is small. My world is small. My thoughts are small, but I am happier than I have been in the past. I am focused on what truly makes me happy, so even with all the chaos and pain around me, I am good.


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