
This is what people do while I am at work. They make huge messes and sign my name to them. Awesome.

This is what my corner of the office looks like. You can see my new computer in the corner. I am still trying to get used to the set up. I do not love it. Shocked? I didn't think so. Adam shoved me in this corner because he is obsessed with freaking Cube Life. Not me. I want to live free. Dammit.

If you have been on the fence about Dollhouse, here is your chance to catch up. You still have time!!!! It is a short season, even.

As you can tell, I have found my camera and I have rigged my computer to make the damn thing work. My next project is to see what happens when I make a movie. LOL I have got to start learning to love this computer. It is important that we bond. Right now I am more comfortable playing Animal Crossing:City Folk than hanging out on this machine. This can't be good. I am supposed to be writing. NOT virtually fishing and paying too much to get my hair done.....


pom. said…
I don't know why your explanation of the first photo cracks me up so much but it so totally does. I've come back multiple times now to read it.


Have been thinking about you a lot.
Chessy said…
Pom- You laughed because it is funny, right? I mean, throw me a bone here.

Just kidding.

I am thinking about you, too. I am looking to post more random stuff. Anything to make people smile.

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