so young when we met. Little girls playing at being women. My little baby Fae.
I am so very lucky that despite going in a direction I didn't start out pursuing, and moving so completely away from everything Erin stands for, we are still able to find love and peace with each other. Acceptance. Pure friendship.
And laughter.
I might fail at being creative or brilliant, but I am always funny. It is a relief. Making Erin laugh is probably one of my favorite things, next to making Adam laugh. Her whole face lights up and she looks stunned that she is laughing at all. When she laughs, she has to touch me, make contact. Lots of hugging and hand-holding. Like two kids, forever.
It is beautiful.
Wish you could be there.
I am so very lucky that despite going in a direction I didn't start out pursuing, and moving so completely away from everything Erin stands for, we are still able to find love and peace with each other. Acceptance. Pure friendship.
And laughter.
I might fail at being creative or brilliant, but I am always funny. It is a relief. Making Erin laugh is probably one of my favorite things, next to making Adam laugh. Her whole face lights up and she looks stunned that she is laughing at all. When she laughs, she has to touch me, make contact. Lots of hugging and hand-holding. Like two kids, forever.
It is beautiful.
Wish you could be there.