Still Trying.

First up, there's some news on the Seth front. The Attorney General has set a court date for the hearing for later this month. Now, we still have no idea where Seth is, but after the hearing there will be legal back-up for the cops to get involved and find Brian and Seth and bring my nephew home. I'm tentatively saying that Seth will be home before my birthday in mid-September. We'll see. At least it is progress, right? We will be able to hunt the guy down like the asshole that he is behaving like.

My Dad and his wife, Cheryl, came for their visit. It was nice to see them. I think that we all learned something new about each other. Visiting my dad is a bit like that. We're always having to meet each other for the first time.

By the time that he left Dad felt that Adam and I were doing all right and his worries had been unfounded. He just wasn't here to see that we're healing and moving forward in healthy ways.

I still haven't told him about trying to have a baby, but that's okay. He's the type of guy that will cry about the unfairness of the world if we try and fail. I can do that all on my own, thankyouverymuch.

Mom is having her semi-annual meltdown. Lovely. I'm hoping that she gets through the drama phase pretty quick. I'm already tired of the tantrums and the fighting over stupid stuff. If she can't get things under control we may have to ask her to leave. We'll see.

In the fertility department, well, I passed last month's progesterone test. I'm having to assume that my panic attack was hormone related and that things are going to be better, soon.

We still have this full month to get pregnant before I see the doctor in September. We have a chance to do this without any drugs. A chance. Maybe two, since I'll be mid-cycle for my September appointment. Lovely. Fingers crossed and all of that.

Mostly I'm obsessing over my lack of time to write. It's all I want to be doing and I've been too busy to do anything. We'll see.


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