We are busy people. Well, technically Adam is busy. He's working seven days a week right now. It's starting to wear on him and we've bickered more bitterly than normal. The frustration will pass. It always does.

I saved my birthday money like a good girl and I was able to purchase my netbook, finally. I'm getting it set up with the things that I need/want on it to make my life easier. I just finished downloading the writing program that I prefer to use. I'm going to save some writing on a flash drive tomorrow and start writing. It's going to be grand.

I've been craving creativity balanced with wisdom lately. I'm not sure how the two can be achieved, but I keep trying.

It is completely quiet in the house. I think I could live this way forever. The appeal of being a hermit with an internet connection is very appealing. Of course, I think it's too late for all of that.


Simplynuts said…
I'm an a$$! I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday in your last post. I didn't realize you were a September baby as well. Technically I wasn't supposed to show up until late November, but I sure surprised everybody... almost died in the process, but here I am;)

I'm excited for you with your new netbook and flash drive. You really are a great writer and I enjoy reading your thoughts. If you get around to posting or publishing anything I would definitely be interested in getting a copy.

I concur with the hermit bit. Being here at school has been a challenge. Of the 1300 students I am on the older side and find I have to "insert" myself into any social situation b/c all the youngins' tend to flock together. Fortunately I have more confidence than 11 years ago so it makes it a bit less awkward. But I have always preferred solitude to social scenes/people. Maybe that will change being here in Cali... who knows.

I feel bad for Adam. It stinks having to work that much. I know the tension that comes from that. I used to become irritable during our rush season. I'm sure my poor Jessica could testify to such. Will he have to do it for long?

For soul baring sake, today (Oct. 2) is the 1 year anniversary of my best friends death. Not sure if it's going to be good or bad yet. Plus, I haven't told anyone here about it. I probably shouldn't be barfing this out on a comment, but what the heck, you inspired me way back when to be more open and so I started blogging in more detail and now I've begun a second blog. If you read my second blog I hope you are not too freaked out. Bethel is a "unique" place and it is definitely changing me for the better. I haven't felt peace and joy like this for a very long time. Probably since we lost our first baby over 8 years ago.

If you are ever interested in getting to know me and my little family better I would be more than willing to shoot you a link to my facebook page. It has tons of fun details that will give you a clearer picture.

Hope you find your creativity balanced with wisdom, and that the words flow like a symphony from your fingertips:)
Chessy said…
Hey, I'm coming in late to offer any sort of support today, but I do hope that you've muddled through your friend's anniversary alright. The first anniversary is pretty tough. I let you know if the second anniversary is any easier. I'm imaging that it will be. If I'm progressing, growing and healing, then, by that very definition, the ensuing years would have to be more gentle.

I loved living in Cali and I hope that you find some measure of peace there.

Adam will be working like this for a while. He's handling the stress better. I've helped by tackling some of his chores around the house. There's something wrong about my 4'9" behind pushing a lawn mower, but the grass will slow down, soon. There's something to be said about contributing.

I hope that you manage to make lots of friends. I bet it's hard to be with all the young kids, but the end result will be worth it. :) I have faith in that.

I'm rarely on Facebook for very long. I answer messages and avoid the calls to farm or game or whatever. I am wary of the addiction. LOL

Please keep in touch. I want to know how things are going for you in your new life.

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