
It's like I went in to hibernation for the last few weeks. Let's play catch-up.


I have LOVED every moment since she's been gone. If my world was perfect, she'd never come back. I haven't thrown a tantrum, sobbed, felt bad about myself, hated the world or argued with anyone in all of the time since she's been gone. I had been concerned that I was in dire need of medication, but it turns out I just needed to stop feeling stressed all of the time.

It isn't like I don't care about my mom, I do, but we clash horribly and there's nothing I can think of to increase our quality of life when we're both in the house. No one is happy. We just don't have another choice.


She's recovering nicely. She's gotten back together with a loser boyfriend and has started that merry-go-round, again. I'm giving it another couple of weeks. If they make it past that I'll be surprised. They're bad for one another.


Actually, I'm doing pretty good. I found out, shortly after my last post, that I'm going to have a baby. Pretty weird, right? Elizabeth gets pregnant and then loses the baby only to have me get pregnant. I think the timing was such that we were pregnant at the same time, but I didn't know it, yet.

I'll be eight weeks on Saturday. I have my first visit with the doctor on Friday. We're hoping to get a peek at the Tadpole while we're there. Adam is worried that I'm going to have twins. (He had the same fear with Mazzy, too.) I don't think that it's possible that I'm having twins. Any of the symptoms they tell you to look for are completely missing. Hell, if I didn't have a couple of positive pee tests and two positive blood tests, I wouldn't be so sure that I was pregnant at all. I have slept more than really reasonable in the last three and a half weeks, so there is that. Most days I don't have enough energy to sit up, let alone type. I'm hoping that I can shake off that cloak of exhaustion, soon.

The year is winding down, but things are starting to pick up around here. With any luck I'll be able to keep things updated regularly.


sarah shivers said…
I fb'ed you. But I always wanted to say congrats. I am sooo, soo, soo happy for you. That is amazing news, and I will be thinking about you and hopeing for a very healthy 9 months of pregnacy. Great Great news
Chessy said…
Oh! That was the FB comment. I haven't made it wide-spread news, yet. My family knows, and some friends, but I figured I'd tell FB once I was out of the danger zone. LOL

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