Filling in the blank spaces

Nora's sitting across from me aggressively gumming the side of her hand. She's been doing that a lot lately and it makes me wonder if she's starting to teeth. Doubtful, but I check her gums nearly daily. I don't want a tooth sneaking up on me.

Lately I've been wriggling against the confines of the house. Yes, Nora and I are going with Adam to the grocery store on Sunday and last week I got to go dress shopping for my friend Jenn's wedding in December. I'm a bridesmaid. (I you're curious, this dress in charcoal on charcoal is what I'm wearing.) It just doesn't feel like enough. I'm balking at the lack of freedom and it starting to manifest as anger towards Adam. It's not healthy for the marriage. Ha.

I can't do anything about being trapped at home, so I'm doing my best to fill in all of the spaces with stuff. I'm crocheting a really ugly blanket out of all of the yarn I have left. It's going to be my first large project in years and Adam is totally excited. He loves ugly blankets and it's going to get rid of all of the random yarn I've been holding on to for years. It's a complete win-win for him.

For my birthday Adam (and generous financial contributions from family members) bought me a Nook Color and I've been downloading and reading all kinds of crappy free books. I forgot about budgeting for book money once I bought my e-reader. Oops. At least I'm reading, even if everything I've read so far is really awful and not worth mentioning. I'm hoping to stumble across something good soon. To that end I've been picking books to put on my Wish List for later. I've never done that before.

The rest of my time is spent trying to make Nora laugh.


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