This face, a photo by WhimOfFate on Flickr.
Yes, that's a giant picture of Nora's face. It's my whole focus these days. I figured you needed a reminder of her cuteness.
I've finally gotten to the point where my understanding has worn out. I'm tired of understanding that the whole world is moving and I'm stuck here. I'm tired of being at the ready; willing and able to give myself to people who squeeze in five minute phone calls and bi-monthly text messages.
It isn't that I'm angry - I'm not. I'm just too messed up inside my head to do it anymore. I have to block out things that I want right now. There just isn't enough in my life that's working out and it's creating these emotional fissures and, frankly, this is not the time of year for me to be struggling to stay strong. I need to just be strong.
Wish we were more like neighbors. sorry I'm alllllllways behind on blog-reading.
We gotta get you outta that house.
No worries on being behind. I think, sometimes, because I'm rushing in between chores and during Nora's naps that my thoughts are incomplete.