I've bored myself

My grand plan to share wittier versions of my trip has proven to be more than my little pea-brain could handle. I'll just smush it all together and tell you what I learned in this post. Whee.

We were broke, so we spent the whole time in the house. Mostly. We visited my brother, his girlfriend, and their six kids. It was a great time. I know, I bet you're surprises because I'm usually so negative about everything, but I am capable of enjoying myself.

My brother and I have a complicated relationship (of course) but we've come a long way since we were two messed up teenagers taking sides in a divorce that was decades coming. Anyway, he has these great kids and I adored getting to meet all of them. I even knew all of their names. Go me.

We got to take a nice family photo and I'll treasure it for a long time. I may need to get it framed, like a huge dork, so that we can display it.

What else? Oh, my dad bought Nora her first pair of walking shoes. She stomps around in them and it always reminds me of that line in "The Birdcage" where Hank Azaria's character says "I cannot walk in the shoes." I end up giggling and poor Nora has no idea what I think is so funny.

My sister and my oldest nephew were actually able to meet us for a fantastic dinner. Felicia is five years older and we've never been close. Cody, my nephew, recently graduated from Purdue University and has been taken a job in San Jose, California. It's amazing what my sibling has managed to accomplish. Her mother must not have been street-rat-crazy. (We have the same dad, but not the same mom.)

I have one cousin that I get along with really well (that's still alive) and we took a trip to her place. She has this cute little house down a gravel road in the middle of a corn field. Wonderful. Her kids are older, but sweet. We chatted and Nora got to play on a trampoline. I crawled up on the Death Trap and bounced her some. I couldn't resist her thrilled giggle. I even did a flip. I thought Adam was going to have a heart attack. I'm not known for being graceful and I think he thought I was going to fall off. My cousin teased because I used to flip and such all of the time, but that was a million years ago.

Being in Indiana was good. I guess. I'm not good at being away from my home for very long and I have to keep busy. I taught myself to make flour tortillas and roasted a chicken while I was there. And I cleaned. I got on my dad's and Cheryl's nerves because of it.

Nora managed to adjust, sort of. It took her a full week, but she finally let Dad hold her for a bit. But that is all. The next visit will have to be better.

Anyway, We had a vacation. We came home. The end.


pom. said…
I really enjoyed your series!! :)
Chessy said…
Thanks. I keep hoping to find MORE time to write. Ha.

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