Good morning
It's no secret that I'm not a morning person, but I'll mention it, again, in case it's news to someone. No matter the amount of sleep I get I'm slow to get moving. My brain is very active while I'm sleeping, busy cataloging and reviewing my day I suppose, and it becomes annoyed that it's interrupted while performing its task. (Much like actual, awake me.) All of this amounts to me being a grump.
Like most things in my life, Nora has changed the process of waking for me. Instead of being able to cuss and stomp my way to the coffee pot after I'm dragged, last minute, out of the bed before Adam leaves for work, waking is a bit more pleasant.
Our fish tank light is on a timer and when it switches on Nora slips off Adam's lap and runs to my side of the bed. She immediately grabs my glasses from my bedside table, eagerly thrusting them at me while struggling to climb into the bed with me. Little toddler babble reaches my ears as if she's telling me all the things she dreamed, or what she has planned for our day. I reach down and put a hand on her bottom to help haul her onto my chest.
This part is my favorite; there's a few minutes off tangled limbs and Eskimo kisses and we often butt heads (literally) because she's so excited and I'm still half asleep, but it's an amazing way to start the day.
I stumble out of bed and Nora runs to living room so that we can snuggle on the couch for extra minutes. I get a cup of coffee and suddenly being awake isn't all that bad.