Baby got my back

There are times in my marriage when I have to sort of tell myself, “Duh. Adam’s totally loves me.” He, like, homeroom loves me. He passes me notes during the class of our life that are all, “Your hair smells pretty. Wanna make out behind the swings?” A perfect example of this happened today.

Recently the Kids destroyed the only phone in the house with caller I.D., forcing us to use a phone that has no base and, of course, no caller I.D. This translates in to me having to answer the phone NO MATTER WHAT. I have spoken to several bill collectors (I am sorry, but Wayne is dead. Please mail the proper forms so that I can get you the copy of the Death Certificate), machines telling me that I can save money, and people selling me things. This afternoon topped the cake. I had an out-of-state bill collector call and ask FOR MY NEIGHBORS!!!!

While I was pleasantly taking down the information so that I could file against the company, my husband walks in and proceeds to determine that I am talking to our neighbor’s bill collector. Before I was able to lower the Hammer of Bitchy, Adam reaches over and unplugs the phone from the wall. There was all this back and forth about me explaining what I was going to do and how he stole my thunder (because, DUH) and he starts getting really upset. Adam starts rambling about how it was unfair that all the ‘crazies’ flock to me. He is holding me and petting my hair, telling me that he was sorry that all of ‘this’ was falling on me and that if he has to start chasing off people, he would because I deserved better.

Later that afternoon Adam’s brother asked me to drive his wife to the mall so that she could go shopping. I was telling Adam about this and it prompted a HUGE fit. He was cussing his brother and life and the Universe about how it was totally unfair that Jonah thought that it was okay to send his wife out shopping when they are living in our house and they should be focused on saving money and moving out.

Well, and Adam was upset because I am still wearing maternity clothes because we can’t afford to go shopping.

Adam doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, it is a sight. When the anger is directed at someone other than me, well, it makes me warm on the inside and I want to flex my toes in contented joy.

It seems that my husband is worried about me. I am okay, but I can see where he would see the potential for disaster: I am planning the memorial for the man I didn’t particularly like. I am trying to arrange for his baby brother to get out of jail to attend the aforementioned memorial. I am helping my sister-in-law maintain her sobriety by being an unofficial sponsor and making sure she is getting to NA meetings. I have been helping wrangle my niece and nephew all day long. I am doing the entire house cleaning. I am doing the laundry. I am baby-sitting my mother’s emotional state. I am staying on top of things. I have been so on top of things that my daughter barely recognizes me and actually rejected me yesterday. In case you were wondering I did, in fact, cry myself to sleep over it.

It is just strange. I don’t think I have ever had someone be so protective of my emotional state before. It is like getting a cookie. Or a shiny ring. But, instead it is a tic-tac and a hug.


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