Freaking out

We have mice. I mean, seriously, bad.

Okay, I might be overreacting, but I HATE mice. I hate them. I don't care. Once, when living in Philly, the mice were so bad that they brazenly crawled in to bed with me to nest in my hair, nightly. I cut my hair because of it.

At any rate, somehow our very smart mice have avoided the kitchen, you know, where the food is, and they are living in one of our couches.

Gross, right?

Don't judge me.

I have been cleaning like a crazy person and I haven't noticed them in any of the rooms we use regularly. Our kitchen, bathroom, upstairs living room, office, and bedroom have all been suspiciously without 'evidence.'

We probably would have kept on blissfully unaware if I hadn't had my nearly three week old nephew over yesterday. Adam went in to Mazzy's closet to get her old playpen and BOOM! EVIDENCE. All over closet. There wasn't anything in her room, but her clothes and blankets that were still just in closet, not packed or anything, were covered in droppings.

That led me to start checking everywhere else we never are, like the downstairs bathroom and living room and my mom's room.


That is when I discovered that they have made a nest in one of the couches. My downstairs is going to look crazy without furniture in it, but it is all going. We have a big two-piece couch and a loveseat and they are both going. All that will be in our spacious room will be a couple of tables and plants. I wanted new furniture, but not this way.


I have torn Mazzy's room apart today. I am washing EVERYTHING. I will be doing this forever. I have scrubbed and cried and acted pretty crazy. At one point I was seriously considering burning the whole place down and starting over. It was three this morning when I had my bazillionth nightmare about mice and Mazzy and Philly.

So, I may not be much good. This has freaked me out. Freaked. Me. Out.


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