
In my typically Chicken Little fashion, it would seem that I worked myself in to a frenzy over this infertility stutter. The doctor was lovely. I like her a lot. Doc P will be great to work with through all of this crap. She's given me and Adam another three months to do this without medication. That's good, since the risk of having multiples goes up. I'm not sure that my body could hold two babies. Or four. Yeah, she mentioned four!

Of course, I do have to do some preliminary testing at certain points in the next three months, but they should give us an idea what the hold up if we get to September without a pregnancy. So, this means that I won't have to turn this blog in to an emo-filled "Why Me?" experiment blog until September.

In the meantime, what do I write about? LOL


pom. said…
I am CLEARLY behind here. Also -- I swear I wrote my own blog post title today before reading yours.

going to catch up now...
sarah shivers said…
aww I'm so happy for you that the doctor is giving you 3 months..that must mean somthing must be right...Very excited fo you
Simplynuts said…
It's like the first time my wife and I were trying to get pregnant. It's a somewhat stressful three months ahead, and the "intimate" times may feel more like work than play... but I hope it goes really well and you two get some great news soon.
Also, when did you pick this backdrop for your blogger page. I just picked the exact one today, meaning I will have to consider if all the pink and purple is ummm, how do you say... "right" for me;)
Although, I did buy a pink camera, mostly because it was cheaper than the others for some odd reason... and the hell I've had to deal with from friends and family is fantastic!
Chessy said…
@sarah Three more months was her idea of trying not to pressure us. Doc P said that she felt that if she diagnosed anything it would make it "impossible" to do this naturally. It's a psychological thing. I'm just putting a really positive spin on everything. You know me.

@simplynuts I picked this layout yesterday. I was prompted for new layout changes, and like any good monkey, I went with it. I think the pinks and reds and oranges fit me, too. LOL In my real life everything is green and brown, but I like the bright, splattered effect of this layout. It represents my spirit.

The next three months is going to be more annoying that the first year of trying, but I'll deal. If we can get it done in 15 months, well, that's not so bad.

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