This is the orchid I bought for cheap because it was dying. All of the other little pots were proudly housing these delicately beautiful plants that promised to bloom in a matter of weeks. I was drawn to this one, all small and brutally pruned, because I wanted to nurse it. I knew that I could love this orchid, even if she never sprouted my favorite flower.

This is my blackberry bush. I'm actually getting tiny fruit. I've had a couple of pieces ripen and I was able to eat them fresh. This isn't going to be a good year, there are barely any blackberries on the bush, but I have high hopes for next year.

I grew this cucumber! I'm so proud of my first whole, fully formed veggie. Sure, I probably plucked the little guy a bit too quickly, but there's another one ripening as I type this that will be ready for eating, soon.

Speaking of things I've grown and will soon eat, I present my tomato plant. I know, it's a sad, wilting plant, but, in case you didn't know, there's a drought in Texas. We water, but it's already in the nineties and it can fry a delicate leaf in no time flat.

This is one of the roses that just keep blooming. I am surprised that the flower is so bright and pretty. I confess; Adam and I loathe the rosebush and we actively do what we can to kill it. This pretty flower is doing its best to mock me.

See? Look at all of the flowers! Such a disaster. We got the bush from his brother, Erick, a few years ago because found himself incapable of taking care of it any longer. (Seriously, who DOES that?!) We're now responsible for a plant that we have no desire to nurture. It's like a physical reminder of our life.

This is where I admit that I have no idea the name of this flower. I know that it's a wildflower and I have ideas of what it might be called, but I haven't been able to find anything that matches it perfectly. Yes, we planted them, but it was just a packet of wildflower seeds and these were the only ones that came back this year. Next year I'm going to go crazy and plant wildflowers in the corner behind the blackberry bush.

I mentioned that I had a lily pad filled with hand-painted tree frogs from the baby shower. This is my loot. Aren't they fantastic? Maybe that's just me.

This giant mess is what we laughingly call the playroom right now. It's a mess. We've got the entire nursery and all of the toys we've ever bought for any of the kids in our lives, plus the stuff we got from the baby shower in to this tiny room. I'm desperately trying to overlook the unfinished nature of this arrangement.

This is the place I'm supposed to be able to put my daughter. What a joke. I have been really, really nice to Adam about this, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to deal with the Under Construction look much longer