The Girl with Disco Ball Hair
I'm totally shirking my ironing duties.
I marvel at all of the changes that Nora has gone through, physically, since she was born. In the few moments immediately following her birth Nora was the spitting image of her grandfather, Adam's dad, Wayne. It was one more the more terrifying moments of my life. I couldn't imagine loving someone that looked so completely like a man who'd made the first few years of my marriage so difficult. Luckily, the resemblance passed and Nora morphed in to Adam's clone. Within a few days I started seeing Adam's mom, Reba, in Nora, as well. And that's the way that is stayed until recently.
Now when I look at my daughter I can see her body fighting to become just Nora. Her hair is every possible color, depending on the light, so I can't tell you what color her hair will be. In the last few days I've noticed that her eyes, once perfect reflections of her father's eyes, are now shifting and changing, like a kaleidoscope. They are blue, or grey, or green and it never stays. It's so fun. She's shedding the shackles of her family and becoming her own person. I love it.
I marvel at all of the changes that Nora has gone through, physically, since she was born. In the few moments immediately following her birth Nora was the spitting image of her grandfather, Adam's dad, Wayne. It was one more the more terrifying moments of my life. I couldn't imagine loving someone that looked so completely like a man who'd made the first few years of my marriage so difficult. Luckily, the resemblance passed and Nora morphed in to Adam's clone. Within a few days I started seeing Adam's mom, Reba, in Nora, as well. And that's the way that is stayed until recently.
Now when I look at my daughter I can see her body fighting to become just Nora. Her hair is every possible color, depending on the light, so I can't tell you what color her hair will be. In the last few days I've noticed that her eyes, once perfect reflections of her father's eyes, are now shifting and changing, like a kaleidoscope. They are blue, or grey, or green and it never stays. It's so fun. She's shedding the shackles of her family and becoming her own person. I love it.
@Kimberly I'm suprised you have the time to post at all. :) Two kids stuns me these days. I'm so overwhelmed at the thought, but you've made it look easy and almost doable (for me.) LOL As for being cute, I realized after I posted the pic that I look so frayed around the eyes, like punch-drunk and it makes me laugh.