The first bite

A couple days ago I was going through my regular routine of feeding Nora every two hours and my little Princess chomped down like a rabid squirrel and refused to let go. It took everything in my power not to throw her across the room and watch her bounce. In my defense, I was already in a lot of pain from the mastitis and she BIT me.

I did some Googling and I've implemented a couple of the suggestions. I found that the most effective way to get her to stop biting, and I assume it's different for every kid, is to pull her forward and smother her a bit. I know, I know, it sounds horrible, but she doesn't let got any other way. I tried. The other helpful suggestion was to push back her feedings an hour. Initially there was a lot of screaming, on her part, but eating every three hours, instead of two, seems to be helping.

Once in a while she still bites me, but it usually only happens if I let her nurse too long and she isn't actually eating anymore. I'm much more aware of when she slows down.

I'm happy that we've gotten through this hurdle because there's very little belief in my brain that this kid will drink formula. I had to make nursing work. It was my only option.

The mastitis has cleared up, but I immediately got a toothache. I'm trying to ignore the pain and look on the positive side. If my mouth hurts I won't eat as much. Whee! Skinnier me will happen....through pain and starvation. Oops.


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