New Year

It's 2012 and I kind of thought I'd hate it. Last year wasn't that bad, for the first time in years, and I was a little scared to start a new year and welcome a possible crap-filled twelve months in to my life. My fears were nearly confirmed when the first few days of this new year were..... disappointing.

January first is our niece, Lily's, birthday. We usually head over to her family's house and have cake in an awkward environment where Adam and I don't feel terribly welcome, but we go  because we don't want everything in her life to be sad and pathetic. We're not the flashy Aunt and Uncle. She's got new ones that send big, useless presents that feed in to the Princess-Barbie Machine that I detest. I'm not against girlie things, per se, but I like to encourage imagination and intelligence, so we usually get her learning toys, or a book, or art supplies. I know that her step-mom's family has the useless, pretty things covered.

This year was harder than usual. I won't go in to everything, because complaining changes nothing, but suffice it to say, it put me in a really bad head space for a few days.

But, I've brushed it off and started planning fun things for my future. I've picked a theme, of sorts, for Nora's first birthday party. I'm conflicted about how much effort I should put in to it. Money is an issue, as always, but I think, if I start picking up stuff now, that the cost won't be too much of a burden. Here's a bit of inspiration: this and this and this. I want to do a pineapple-mint water infusion instead of cucumber water, though.

I'll start having Sunday's to myself at the end of this month. I'll be leaving Nora home to hang with Daddy so that they can build a relationship and I can remember who I'm outside of a wife and a mother. I'm looking forward to getting some writing done and hunting resale shops for neat things for Nora's party. I'll also have time to craft things on my Sundays all uninterrupted.

My resolution for the year is to work on my language. I curse like a drunk sailor. I want to soften that side of me so that I don't sound angry when I'm not. Cleaning up my potty mouth may not be as easy as it sounds. My first reaction to a stressful situation is to vomit obscenities, so, in a way, I'll be working on anger reactions, as well. Ooh, self-improvement.


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