A little bit of going nowhere

In the grand tradition of things in my life, the minute I get my head where it wants to be, the stuff around me starts a giant shitstorm of death and I'm drowning in shit. Sometimes metaphorically, but in this case, it was nearly literal.

One week into school Nora caught a nasty stomach bug and we got to enjoy hours and hours of bonding time while her ass rained down liquid poop. So, that was fun. What makes it even BETTER  was the final gasp of our air conditioner dying. So it is hot as hell in our house, she was running a fever, and liquid poo.

Can we count our blessings, yet?

I managed to pull out my vast knowledge of fictional nursing I've accumulated in my decades of reading historical romance novels and we survived the Shitstorm (2016). Now I'm simply battling the heat. And my mom thought I was wasting my time. Ha. Joke is on her. Knowledge, baby.

Do you know how to make a reluctant five year old go to school? Promise her they have air conditioning.

In an effort to not waste this glorious opportunity to better myself, I'm digging down deep to find grace and Pioneering spirit as we swelter away our days and nights until we can come up with enough money to replace the entire unit. We've ordered a small portable unit that we can set up in Nora's room so that she can sleep in a relatively cool space and I'm fluttering my eyelashes at a friend who may have access to a window unit no one is currently using. That should buy us time enough to restructure the budget for the money.

Adulting, am I right?

I'll admit, I spent a full day in absolute Fuck This pout mode, but having the house to myself today helped me resort my feelings and I'm going to rock this. I'm still going to do the things I want to do creatively. I just need to be disciplined in this time of crisis. Because, really, there's nothing more I can do about the state of the house and I'm wasting everyone's time focusing on the drama of it when I could be doing all the really amazing things I want to do be doing, just hotter.

Who doesn't want to be hotter? NO ONE.

And I did say I wanted to fail, right? Well, there's one failure right out of the gate. All my careful plans and routines demolished with a little turmoil. Now I can pull myself up and find a way to flourish in the face of adversity. Or something.

I am already coming up with some positives! Like, I won't have to babysit anyone's kids because no one is bringing their little ones into our Inferno if they can avoid it. Having to get up at five and immediately start cleaning is a blessing, really, because I'm in a race against the heat. As long as it's all done before nine, I'll survive. I can still lay around like a beached whale on the patch of cement in front of our bedroom where the carpet got ruined in the Bathroom Flood Incident. (See, bonus! If we'd repaired that little patch, where were I be creating my Chill Zone?)

So, in conclusion, it's sunshine and butterflies up in this bitch.


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