Hello, Again.
I opened this up and was all prepared to write a million things, then I realized I was pressuring myself to be witty, something that doesn't come easy to me, and I erased it. Then I tried to be poignant. Which is only cool when I have something meaningful to say. Which is not now.
Why not go as I intend to go on? With rubbish and tomfoolery.
The kiddo is weeks away from starting school and I'm going to have this wide open space of redefining myself as a Person. Time in which to foster the pieces of myself I let lay fallow during the Grand Adventure that is Early Child-rearing. I've embraced becoming a Stay at Home Mom with as much dignity and creativity as my tiny brain would allow and now, now I am going to free myself a little. Explore and Become.
Which sounds ridiculous, but I've been working so hard on this internal transformation business and I want to wallow in it a while.
In the last year I've meditated and contemplated and worked out vague ideas of what could help shape my soul. But, enough time in my head. I want to be in the world.
Why not go as I intend to go on? With rubbish and tomfoolery.
The kiddo is weeks away from starting school and I'm going to have this wide open space of redefining myself as a Person. Time in which to foster the pieces of myself I let lay fallow during the Grand Adventure that is Early Child-rearing. I've embraced becoming a Stay at Home Mom with as much dignity and creativity as my tiny brain would allow and now, now I am going to free myself a little. Explore and Become.
Which sounds ridiculous, but I've been working so hard on this internal transformation business and I want to wallow in it a while.
In the last year I've meditated and contemplated and worked out vague ideas of what could help shape my soul. But, enough time in my head. I want to be in the world.