Friday night, it's a sing-a-long
I was looking forward to having Friday off, but I was called in to work to cover a shift for a sick partner. I am a nice person and went in anyway. I deserve a cookie. The person in question is currently causing me a lot of aggravation at my job and helping her out seems nearly counter-productive, but that is okay.
After my, thankfully, abbreviated shift, I went over to visit Jenn at her apartment. She is a co-worker, but she is also a friend. I am glad that I have her in my life. Jenn has been with me every step of my motherhood. Besides, we have roundabout history together. It is funny, but despite never meeting before working together, Jenn and I have numerous friends and acquaintances in common. I am sure we even have some of the same stories, if we dig deep enough.
At any rate, we grabbed a meal at Denny’s while we waited on Val to get off of work. Val cut out of her job early so that the three of us could chill together.
We played a suicide round of Sing Star for PSP. Sing Star is a karaoke game where the participants have to hit the right pitch or notes, or something. I am not sure. (I am sure that you can guess that I failed.) A ‘suicide’ round is when you hit the random-shuffle button and sing whatever pops up on the screen. We were playing the 90’s version. There were thirty songs, but between the three of us, we blew through them rather quickly.
Hearing a lot of the songs and watching the videos gave all of us a nostalgic feeling. I hate that I am old enough to wax poetic about the good ole days. You know, the years of your childhood that you loathed when you were living them but now you can laugh and say things like, “I was so awkward.”
I recognize that it is a bit strange that we were three completely sober women playing a karaoke game at three in the afternoon on a Friday, but we aren’t party people. Large crowds freak my girls out, sometimes. I can get nervous, too, but lately I like the idea of getting lost in a crowd. I would like to sit back and let the world happen to other people for a while.
I learned something vital while we are playing: I suck. I can’t carry a tune. Jenn’s roommate’s cat, Raye, LOVED me, though. I think she is a lesbian cat and thought I was issuing a mating challenge, or something. Raye came just shy of humping my leg.
So, in effect, I might have sucked, but I had a groupie, so I should have won. Right?
After Sing Star we searched the internet for random things that we could share with each other. I know, WHAT?! I guess it is just one of those “you had to be there” moments.
We talked for a good part of the night. Daylight disappeared and I am not sure how. Strange.
Next time we need a disco ball and some louder music. I want to catch the light as we take photos of ourselves in unflattering positions. It is what the cool kids do.
After my, thankfully, abbreviated shift, I went over to visit Jenn at her apartment. She is a co-worker, but she is also a friend. I am glad that I have her in my life. Jenn has been with me every step of my motherhood. Besides, we have roundabout history together. It is funny, but despite never meeting before working together, Jenn and I have numerous friends and acquaintances in common. I am sure we even have some of the same stories, if we dig deep enough.
At any rate, we grabbed a meal at Denny’s while we waited on Val to get off of work. Val cut out of her job early so that the three of us could chill together.
We played a suicide round of Sing Star for PSP. Sing Star is a karaoke game where the participants have to hit the right pitch or notes, or something. I am not sure. (I am sure that you can guess that I failed.) A ‘suicide’ round is when you hit the random-shuffle button and sing whatever pops up on the screen. We were playing the 90’s version. There were thirty songs, but between the three of us, we blew through them rather quickly.
Hearing a lot of the songs and watching the videos gave all of us a nostalgic feeling. I hate that I am old enough to wax poetic about the good ole days. You know, the years of your childhood that you loathed when you were living them but now you can laugh and say things like, “I was so awkward.”
I recognize that it is a bit strange that we were three completely sober women playing a karaoke game at three in the afternoon on a Friday, but we aren’t party people. Large crowds freak my girls out, sometimes. I can get nervous, too, but lately I like the idea of getting lost in a crowd. I would like to sit back and let the world happen to other people for a while.
I learned something vital while we are playing: I suck. I can’t carry a tune. Jenn’s roommate’s cat, Raye, LOVED me, though. I think she is a lesbian cat and thought I was issuing a mating challenge, or something. Raye came just shy of humping my leg.
So, in effect, I might have sucked, but I had a groupie, so I should have won. Right?
After Sing Star we searched the internet for random things that we could share with each other. I know, WHAT?! I guess it is just one of those “you had to be there” moments.
We talked for a good part of the night. Daylight disappeared and I am not sure how. Strange.
Next time we need a disco ball and some louder music. I want to catch the light as we take photos of ourselves in unflattering positions. It is what the cool kids do.