My Baby Shower in pictures
This is the beautiful tree that my friends made for me. I can't even explain how fabulous it is that they went through so much effort to bring whimsy and fun to my baby shower. If you look in to the foliage at the top of the tree you can see a cute little owl peeking out at you. HOW CUTE IS THAT?!
My friend, Charlotte, got all artsy with this shot. I liked it enough to share it. It's like photography's way of making sure that I pause and enjoy the moment.
Early on in the day I was given bubbles as a distraction so that I stayed on the couch. Blowing them in the house, without Adam there to censor me, was so liberating. Little things can make me so very happy.
My friend, Val, is very crafty and creative. She always brings something personal and beautiful to every event. In the case of my baby shower it was this diaper cake.
This is a group shot of my friends getting ready to launch bean-filled clothes representing frogs at the hand-painted lily pads hanging on the fence. I'm not sure if everyone else had a good time, but I loved watching everyone. I shouted and "whoo'd" like a Southern woman.
Another activity was hand-painting some tiny decorative frogs. I have the finished products on a ceramic bird bath in the shape of a lily pad. They are so bright and fun. A lot of the girls used glitter, so I love them forever. Hooray for glitter!
Now is when I admit that I left out a lot of the gift photos because Charlotte has the uncanny ability to only take a picture of me in the middle of one of my less-than-flattering animated faces. High Energy Chessy does not photograph well AT ALL.
Overall I'd say that this is an excellent representation of my mental state these days - happy.
Soon comes the Mom update. Always fun, right?
Ah, yes, the Mom thing....that's a whole new post.