New and Exciting things
I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'm waiting for my doctor to call me back so that I can get an antibiotic for another case of mastitis. I'm walking around with my phone on me like I'm a teenager. Gross, but I called at nine and I figure she'll be calling back AT ANY MOMENT. In the meantime I'm trying not to work too hard. I have prescription strength ibuprofen and it can mask the symptoms, but I'm not better. I need to remember that.
Nora updates: (Because they're more interesting that my infected boob)
We attempted to give her a bottle this weekend. Oh, what a joke. She didn't seem to mind the fake thing thrust in her face, but actually eating it? Yeah, that didn't happen. She looks at nipples (unattached, naturally) as The Most Evil and she doesn't understand why we'd be offering her anything that isn't boobie. Nora's pretty convinced that we're trying to poison her, I think. It's written all over her face when we give her food, too. It's as if she considers food from me tested for any potential poisons because it comes from me. Even if I"m eating the same food and offer her a bite of mine.
But! On the good news front of all of that, she's actually opening her mouth for bites, now. It only took two weeks. In another month she may actually be happy to eat food. We'll see.
I'm closer to convincing Adam to just drop the idea of weaning her to formula. I think, if we're successful in getting her to eat solid food, she may go more than two hours between boobie and the whole thing will be a moot point. He just wants uninterrupted time with her and I want to be able to leave the house for more than an hour. I can get a mani or a pedi, but not both. I can't have a movie date with friends, or even eat out because I'd have to scarf it down like a barbarian and hurry home. Lame, lame, lame.
It would be a different story if Adam would loosen his paranoia about me taking the baby out. He sees the whole world as Diseases that Will Kill My Baby. I can't really blame him, since that's what happened last time.
Speaking of Nora, she's napping, exhausted, after her visit to the doctor's office. Poor girl. It's just another nail in the "You'll be paying for my therapy" coffin.
Nora hasn't liked me being sick. At all. If I wasn't lying on the floor in front of her, looking pathetic and ill mind you, she was panicked and fussy. She needed to see my misery, Sadist.
That's about it. I'm going to channel 1980's me and use my Mental Power to make the phone ring. Ring, I say!
I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I'm waiting for my doctor to call me back so that I can get an antibiotic for another case of mastitis. I'm walking around with my phone on me like I'm a teenager. Gross, but I called at nine and I figure she'll be calling back AT ANY MOMENT. In the meantime I'm trying not to work too hard. I have prescription strength ibuprofen and it can mask the symptoms, but I'm not better. I need to remember that.
Nora updates: (Because they're more interesting that my infected boob)
We attempted to give her a bottle this weekend. Oh, what a joke. She didn't seem to mind the fake thing thrust in her face, but actually eating it? Yeah, that didn't happen. She looks at nipples (unattached, naturally) as The Most Evil and she doesn't understand why we'd be offering her anything that isn't boobie. Nora's pretty convinced that we're trying to poison her, I think. It's written all over her face when we give her food, too. It's as if she considers food from me tested for any potential poisons because it comes from me. Even if I"m eating the same food and offer her a bite of mine.
But! On the good news front of all of that, she's actually opening her mouth for bites, now. It only took two weeks. In another month she may actually be happy to eat food. We'll see.
I'm closer to convincing Adam to just drop the idea of weaning her to formula. I think, if we're successful in getting her to eat solid food, she may go more than two hours between boobie and the whole thing will be a moot point. He just wants uninterrupted time with her and I want to be able to leave the house for more than an hour. I can get a mani or a pedi, but not both. I can't have a movie date with friends, or even eat out because I'd have to scarf it down like a barbarian and hurry home. Lame, lame, lame.
It would be a different story if Adam would loosen his paranoia about me taking the baby out. He sees the whole world as Diseases that Will Kill My Baby. I can't really blame him, since that's what happened last time.
Speaking of Nora, she's napping, exhausted, after her visit to the doctor's office. Poor girl. It's just another nail in the "You'll be paying for my therapy" coffin.
Nora hasn't liked me being sick. At all. If I wasn't lying on the floor in front of her, looking pathetic and ill mind you, she was panicked and fussy. She needed to see my misery, Sadist.
That's about it. I'm going to channel 1980's me and use my Mental Power to make the phone ring. Ring, I say!
but she does need some exposure to build immunity!
You guys are good parents!!