This weekend marked my fourth wedding anniversary to my very darling husband.
I could tell you about the disappointments or complain about my crushed expectations, but I think that our marriage deserves more than that.
So, instead I will say that we were able to spend the day as a family, just the three of us. We gorged ourselves on grilled hotdogs and we sipped beer in the shade provided to us by our neighbors fence as the sun went down.
My extremely patient husband tossed a frisbee directly in to my hands and happily chased the frisbee I tossed back in his general direction. Adam even refrained from calling the cops despite the fact I managed to hit our daughter's papasan chair, with her in it, no fewer than three times during the above mentioned frisbee tossing event.
We took turns yelling at the dog every time she threw all twelve pounds of fur and teeth at the fence, snarling and growling at the neighbor's dog as though she was accomplishing something.
The night ended with the two of us holding hands and whispering "I love you" so it couldn't have been better way to fall asleep.
I could tell you about the disappointments or complain about my crushed expectations, but I think that our marriage deserves more than that.
So, instead I will say that we were able to spend the day as a family, just the three of us. We gorged ourselves on grilled hotdogs and we sipped beer in the shade provided to us by our neighbors fence as the sun went down.
My extremely patient husband tossed a frisbee directly in to my hands and happily chased the frisbee I tossed back in his general direction. Adam even refrained from calling the cops despite the fact I managed to hit our daughter's papasan chair, with her in it, no fewer than three times during the above mentioned frisbee tossing event.
We took turns yelling at the dog every time she threw all twelve pounds of fur and teeth at the fence, snarling and growling at the neighbor's dog as though she was accomplishing something.
The night ended with the two of us holding hands and whispering "I love you" so it couldn't have been better way to fall asleep.