Almost, really....

36 weeks  by WhimOfFate
36 weeks , a photo by WhimOfFate on Flickr.

I started yesterday feeling very uncomfortable. No matter what I did I felt heavy and gross. I figured it was just the whole being hugely pregnant and insisting on doing housework thing, but when I went to the doctor that afternoon it turns out all of the contractions I had been ignoring were actually doing something. I'm 2cm and 60% effaced, now. I got fussed at for not timing contractions and told to go home and rest. (My doctor is going out of town for a week and would rather I didn't have the baby before she can catch her.) 

We left the office and Adam made me time contractions for a few hours. They were five minutes apart for almost four hours. They did get stronger, but never that strong. I just stayed prone and drank water. It was soooooo boring, but they eventually went away. 

This morning is more of the same. I'm having erratic contractions and I'm cool with that. It's just false labor. I had it for a while with Mazzy, so I know that my body likes to get all of the heavy lifting out of the way before I actually go in to labor. To reassure Adam, though, I am on the couch watching a lot of television. I know that Nora can come at any point and be fine, but I don't have to push it if I don't have to, right?

It's kind of a relief because I wasn't sure that I was even going to start prepping for this whole Having a Baby thing. I haven't lost my plug, or had strong contractions, or anything that looked like I might have this kid on time until yesterday.

One of my motivating factors for holding her in a bit longer is that they are burying my Grandma today and I don't want the two days linked forever in my mind, or in the minds of my family. Nora deserves to have a day that's clean. The other thing I can't stop thinking about is that my due date is in July...shouldn't I, at least, have this baby in July?! 


Anonymous said…
Good luck! I can't believe your pregnancy is nearly over. I'm looking forward to Internet-meeting little Nora. :)

Chessy said…
Thanks! I can't believe I'm almost done, either. I feel like it took forever to get to this place, but at the same time I'm shocked that I'm nearly done. Usually pregnant lady drivel, right?

I'm getting excited about introducing her to the internet. I'm eager to hold her.

Mostly, though....I'm so tired of being hugely pregnant during one of the hottest summers on record in my area. Ugh.

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