Can you hear me now?
I feel like I have a whole list of things to complain about, but I don't want to be that person, so I'm going to find something positive to talk about.
Nora can hear us. She's big enough that she can hear sounds outside the womb and she's showing a marked reaction to the sounds that she hears. It's wonderful. Fun.
Adam, in particular, loves to take advantage of this aspect of pregnancy. See, when she hears Adam Nora always kicks, flips, stretches, turns, etc. so that she can get closer to the sound of his voice. It's painful, but beautiful.
Adam will ask me to come and stand next to his chair, place both of his hands on either side of the belly so that he can optimize the amount of baby he can feel below my skin, and he'll talk. He never says anything important. He will mostly tease and instigate Nora to the best of his ability. Adam always tries for the biggest reaction. He wants my skin to stretch and mutate.
And he laughs.
He'll do it for as long as I'll let him, which, frankly, isn't that long because I'm usually sleepy and I want to be lying on my side and waiting for her to settle down.
I love this bit, though. Whenever I become afraid for the future, the fear that comes with any new experience and the sad knowledge that comes from having lost a child, I think about this time that Adam is using to bond with Nora and I'm okay. He's doing normal Daddy things and that's amazing.
Nora can hear us. She's big enough that she can hear sounds outside the womb and she's showing a marked reaction to the sounds that she hears. It's wonderful. Fun.
Adam, in particular, loves to take advantage of this aspect of pregnancy. See, when she hears Adam Nora always kicks, flips, stretches, turns, etc. so that she can get closer to the sound of his voice. It's painful, but beautiful.
Adam will ask me to come and stand next to his chair, place both of his hands on either side of the belly so that he can optimize the amount of baby he can feel below my skin, and he'll talk. He never says anything important. He will mostly tease and instigate Nora to the best of his ability. Adam always tries for the biggest reaction. He wants my skin to stretch and mutate.
And he laughs.
He'll do it for as long as I'll let him, which, frankly, isn't that long because I'm usually sleepy and I want to be lying on my side and waiting for her to settle down.
I love this bit, though. Whenever I become afraid for the future, the fear that comes with any new experience and the sad knowledge that comes from having lost a child, I think about this time that Adam is using to bond with Nora and I'm okay. He's doing normal Daddy things and that's amazing.