
Friday I had another visit with my doctor. We're to that place where I have to visit once a week and I have to get poked every time I go. It's my favorite part of pregnancy. Really.

Anyway, I got to see Dr. Plummer and she was able to clear up some of the confusion caused by Ms. Trish last week. Having the same person to gauge things is a relief. I like the consistency. According to Dr. Plummer I'm only 1cm and the baby is semi-ballotable, which means that she's not at 0 station, but more likely at -1. She didn't talk about effacement, but I'm not too concerned. I'm fairly sure that I still have bits of my mucus plug, so I can't be that effaced, no matter what Ms. Trish said.

Dr. Plummer also mentioned that she wasn't going to stop me from going in to labor anymore. She's "done fighting" my body. I know that I'm only 36 weeks (and some change) but it was nice to know that I don't have to fear every contraction or that I have to immediately get prone and breathe. It took a lot of stress off of my shoulders.

Well, and everything that Dr. Plummer told me sort of makes me feel like I took a step back in preparation. I'm not nearly as ahead of the game as I thought I was last week. Now I don't even feel a sense of urgency. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Nora is going to take her sweet time and be late.

I had that reaction, but all Adam heard was "the baby can come at any time" and he freaked out. Saturday was spent moving things around and setting up stuff for the baby. It's not a completed nursery, but we're definitely ready to bring a baby home and start caring for her.

Adam spent Sunday painting the nursery. He got the first coat on. I love my husband, but it looks like a slow kid painted the room. I just keep telling myself that it's the thought that counts and I don't let my disappointment taint his excitement at being able to do something "handy" for his daughter.

The other issue that I have with the room is that it's bright. Really, really bright, people. And green, but not in a soothing way. It's a perverse cross between Slimer green and the slime from You Can't Do That On Television. He assures me that it won't be so bright once he gets the second coat on and it dries. I'm not nearly as confident. My hope is that once it's done and all of Nora's things are moved in there it will be less jarring. I may have to put a LOT of stuff on the wall to take your eyes from all of the green.

I never thought I'd be this afraid of a shade of green....

Sunday was harder. It started with a phone call from my cousin, Heler. She called to tell me that our grandmother had passed away the night before. It still doesn't feel real. The good, and bad, thing about being so far away from family is that a loss like this won't hit me right away. It won't hit me, really, until Nora is born and I won't be able to call Grandma Donna and tell her she has another great-grandchild.

Or it will hit me when my Dad comes to visit in September and she isn't with him to dote on Nora, like we planned.

Life is like that, though, always changing and ruining your plans.


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